Iron Ox robot agriculture I

Iron Ox Corporation was opened in San Carlos County, California and was announced on October 3, 2018, where the company is designing planted robots. The company operates on an area of 8,000 square feet linked to its offices by producing leafy vegetables at a rate of 26,000 pieces per year, which is five times the level for producing a model outdoor farm in this area, according to MIT Review statistics. The company is responsible for 15 human employees who share their workspace with robots to do some administrative work for the company and control the quality of the work of the robots.

Robots monitor and monitor levels of nitrogen and temperature in plants, based on that understanding the plant's life, and then raise the percentage of vitamins and materials needed by the plant, and then change the effect of photosynthesis and what this means taking it from one basin to another basin to take the appropriate doses for him . Jon Binney - CTO says: The work of the machines together was of a nature at first, so we had to either find a organizational solution for the place or a technical solution for the machines so that there would be continuous communication between them! . At the present time, the company relies on the human element to grow crops and supply them. The company hopes later that it will find a solution to carry out the processing process completely through machines.

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